A very little of the Stalheim Hotel's History

The first hotel was built in 1750. The one existing in 1939 was taken over by the German army for Rest & Recuperation purposes. There is a story that it was considered as a possible bolthole for Hitler and several bunkers were constructed within the rear terrace, some of which remain.

Later it became a home for unmarried mothers with children sired by German fathers. As the Nordic blood was considered to be the purest by the Germans, such unions were encouraged and promoted by the authorities under the Lebensborn scheme.

Such mothers and their children were treated very badly by the Norwegians after the war, so much so that some have have recently received belated ompensation payments from the government.

For the third time in its history, in 1959 the wooden hotel burnt down, this time with the loss of 34 lives.

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